Give Your Voice Accelerated Leverage 📣

For astute thought leaders who want to amplify their voice, foster their niche authority, and scale their influence while growing their earning potential, publishing a great book is not an option—it’s a must. As far as the market is concerned, you are a rookie if you don’t have a published book that gives credence to your projected thought leadership and authority.


Your story and expertise are strategic assets to leverage for building a solid brand for yourself and the work you do, regardless of the sector, using a published book. More so, having been blessed with success, it behoves on you to relay your journey as a resource to guide younger folks to replicate your success and thrive. Your book will enable you to orchestrate and maintain a posture of impactful living.

Let’s Partner with You to Power Your Influence

Our Author Coaching offers you an opportunity to be hand-held by one of our book consultants and walked through the journey of writing and publishing a great book. It is designed for experts, professionals, top leaders and intelligent thinkers who are busy yet want to write their books themselves from start to finish, howbeit doing it excellently.

To help, we will:

This will be achieved through either of 2 service blocks

Ready to start writing your book?